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by Peter Kennedy
Devotional - The Strength Of Love
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Thursday Jun 28, 2012
Devotional - The Strength Of Love

"Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame." - Song of Songs 8:6


Solomon Rosenberg, his wife and their 2 sons were arrested, together with Rosenburg's aged mother and father for the crime of being Jews. They were placed in a Nazi concentration camp. It was a labor camp, and the rules were simple. "As long as you can do your work, you are permitted to live. When you become too weak to do your work, then you will be exterminated." Solomon watched as his mother and father were marched off to their deaths. He knew that the next would be his youngest son, David - because David had always been a frail child who was slightly crippled. Every evening, Rosenberg came back into the barracks after each day of hard labor and searched for the faces of his family. When he found them they would huddle together, embrace one another and thank God for another day of life. One day Solomon came back and didn’t see those familiar faces. He finally discovered his oldest son, Joshua, in a corner, huddled, weeping and praying. He said, "Josh, tell me it’s not true." Joshua turned and said, "It is true, Dad. Today David was not strong enough to do his work. So they came for him." "But where is your mother?" asked Mr. Rosenberg. "Oh Dad," he said, "When they came for David, he was afraid and he cried. So Mom said, 'There is nothing to be afraid of, David,' and she took his hand and went with him."


Love is as strong as death. God’s love conquered the grave. Today in prayer, give thanks to Jesus that His love will triumph over all.


"God loves each of us as if there were only one of us to love." - Augustine


God's Word: "The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness." - Jeremiah 31:3


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - United With Christ
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Wednesday Jun 27, 2012
Devotional - United With Christ

"and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it." - Ecclesiastes 12:7


George Herbert was born into an English artistic and wealthy family in 1593. He studied at Trinity College at Cambridge University and he excelled in languages and music. He went to college with the intention of becoming a Anglican priest, but his scholarship attracted the attention of King James I. Herbert served in Parliament for two years. After King James’ death, and at the urging of a friend, Herbert's interest in ordained ministry was renewed.

He became the rector of the little parish of Fugglestone St Peter with Bemerton St Andrew, near Salisbury. He was noted for unfailing care for his parishioners, bringing the sacraments to them when they were ill, and providing food and clothing for those who were in need. His friend Henry Vaughan said of Herbert that he was "a most glorious saint and seer."

On his deathbed, Herbert’s last words were: “I shall be free from sin and all the temptations and anxieties that attend it...I shall dwell... where these eyes shall see my Master and Saviour.”


We should live our lives on earth as we would live them in all eternity with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today in prayer, praise Jesus in all that you do.


"Once a man is united to God, how could he not live for ever?" - C.S. Lewis


God's Word: "but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel." - 2 Timothy 1:10


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Banish Worry
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Tuesday Jun 26, 2012
Devotional - Banish Worry

"So then, banish anxiety from your heart and cast off the troubles of your body, for youth and vigor are meaningless." - Ecclesiastes 11:10


Harvey Penick was one of the finest golf coaches who mentored several professional golfers. He wrote the” Little Red Book” which is sort of the “golfer’s Bible.”

In his book, he talks not just about golfing technique, but also a golfer’s mindset. "The golfing area of the brain," he wrote, "is a fragile thing that is terribly susceptible to suggestion."

Harvey said that most golfers do not think on the golf course; they just worry. “Worrying is a misuse of your mind on the golf course,” he warns. “Whatever your obstacle, worry will only make it more difficult. Worry causes your muscles to tense up, and it is impossible to make a good golf swing when your muscles are too tense. Rather than worrying, be mindful of the shot at hand and go ahead and play it as if you are going to hit the best shot of your life. You really might do it.”


We need to banish worry from our minds. Today in prayer, give the Lord all of your worries and cares.


"I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn't need any advice from me. With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. So what is there to worry about?" - Henry Ford


God's Word: "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:7


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Step Out In Faith
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Monday Jun 25, 2012
Devotional - Step Out In Faith

"Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again." - Ecclesiastes 11:1


Mullanakuzhiyil Abraham (MA) Thomas was born to a poor Christian family in South India in 1936. He began studying at the Hindustan Bible Institute in 1957 and after finishing his second year, he wanted to take a trip home to visit his family. The cost was 40 cents, which he did not have. But believing the Lord wanted him to travel home, MA and two friends decided to walk the 500 miles to MA’s home.

It took them 53 days to reach MA’s home. Along the way, they shared the Gospel with others. Eleven churches are in existence today because of that walk.

MA went on to found Hopegivers International in 1967. During the next 43 years, Hopegivers International helped start more than 70 orphanages, over 100 Bible colleges, and 25,000 churches in India. The ministry also has an orphanage in Haiti and three in Africa. Samuel Thomas, MA’s son, remembered his father: "My father never started any work with money in his hands. He just trusted God and took God at His word. I remember days when we did not have money to feed the orphans; he would declare a whole day fasting prayer. Without fail I always saw God provide the needs for the entire month before the prayer meeting was over." He added: "Taking in orphans, taking in widows, taking in lepers, taking on land and building projects, even when he had no money. God rewarded his faith, provided the needs of all those he took in."  


The Lord desires us to step out in faith and to follow Him. Today in prayer, cast the Bread of Life to others and rejoice when you see others grow in Jesus. 


"For it is in giving that we receive." - Francis of Assisi


God's Word: "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously." - 2 Corinthians 9:6


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Words Take Wings
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Sunday Jun 24, 2012
Devotional - Words Take Wings

"Do not revile the king even in your thoughts, or curse the rich in your bedroom, because a bird of the air may carry your words, and a bird on the wing may report what you say." - Ecclesiastes 10:20


In 2005 and 2006, Larry Johnson was one of the best running backs in the National Football League. But by 2009, his skills had diminished and he was no longer the starting running back on his team.

In October 2009, his team suffered a frustrating loss to the San Diego Chargers. Johnson decided to vent on his anonymous Twitter account. Derailing his coach, Johnson tweeted: “My father got more credentials than most of these pro coaches.” Johnson also tweeted several slurs about the leadership of the football team. But Johnson’s Twitter account was not as anonymous as he thought. He had a link to his web page off his Twitter account.

Within minutes of his tweets, the coaches knew what he had said. He soon issued the apology: “I regret my actions. The words were used by me in frustration, and they were not appropriate … I did not intend to offend anyone, but that is no excuse for what I said.”


Once spoken or written, our words can take flight and land where we do not intend them. Today in prayer, ask Jesus to direct your speech so it will bring Him glory.


"Open your ears, for which of you will stop the vent of hearing when loud Rumor speaks?" - William Shakespeare


God's Word: "A perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends." - Proverbs 16:28


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Guard Against Foolish Words
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Thursday Jun 21, 2012
Devotional - Guard Against Foolish Words

“Words from a wise man's mouth are gracious, but a fool is consumed by his own lips.” - Ecclesiastes 10:12


Joseph Ives was a Colonel in the Confederate Army, serving as an aide to Jefferson Davis. However, he is best remembered for his exploration of the Colorado River before the war.

In the winter of 1857/58, as a First Lieutenant of Corps of Topographical Engineers, U.S. Army, Ives was commissioned to lead an expedition to the Colorado River to ascertain its navigability as a supply route to the several outposts in the region.

He shipped a disassembled 54-foot iron-hulled steamboat up the Gulf of California to the mouth of the Colorado. Assembling the steamboat, the expedition steamed up the Colorado to the rapids at Black Canyon, near present day Las Vegas, Nevada. They then proceeded overland to explore the floor of the Grand Canyon and other parts of Northern Arizona and Southern Utah. Ives' made this foolish assessment in his journal:

“It [the Grand Canyon] looks like the Gates of Hell. The region ... is, of course, altogether valueless. Ours has been the first and will undoubtedly be the last, party of whites to visit the locality. It seems intended by nature that the Colorado River along the greater portion of its lonely and majestic way, shall be forever unvisited and undisturbed.”

Today more than 5 million people annually visit the Grand Canyon.


We need to guard our lips against foolish talk and we need be gracious in our speech. Today in prayer, ask Jesus to give you wisdom in all that you say. 


“Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.” – Dale Carnegie


God's Word: "Wise men store up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool invites ruin." - Proverbs 10:14


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Folly Outweighs Wisdom
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Wednesday Jun 20, 2012
Devotional - Folly Outweighs Wisdom

"As dead flies give perfume a bad smell, so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor." - Ecclesiastes 10:1


In January 1985, Kataun Safaie, age 20, had her whole life in front of her. She had just married Mahmoud Ayazi, age 31, in Iran and the two planned to begin their new lives together in California.

Mahmoud had a work permit and had been employed in the United States for eight years. But Kataun was unable to obtain a visa to get into the U.S. and join her husband. After several weeks of trying to legally emigrate to the U.S., the couple took matters into their own hands and made a foolish choice.

The couple flew to Germany and then bought a soft-sided suitcase which measured 16 by 33 by 10 inches. The five foot tall Kataun crawled inside along with a few bananas to eat during the 11 hour flight.

Mahmoud checked the suitcase containing his wife aboard a Lufthansa flight, and then boarded the plane himself.

When the flight arrived in Los Angeles, the suitcase rolled down the ramp from the pressurized luggage compartment. But when Mahmoud open the suitcase, he found Kataun’s lifeless body. Her chest had been compressed by other luggage in the cargo hold and she suffocated to death.


Just a little foolishness can ruin our lives. Today in prayer, ask Jesus to give you wisdom in all that you do so you may bring honor and glory to Him.


"Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom." - Charles H. Spurgeon


God's Word: "Every prudent man acts out of knowledge, but a fool exposes his folly." - Proverbs 13:16


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Seek God's Wisdom
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Tuesday Jun 19, 2012
Devotional - Seek God's Wisdom

"When I applied my mind to know wisdom and to observe man's labor on earth--his eyes not seeing sleep day or night" - Ecclesiastes 8:16


In 1752, when he was 20 years old and long before he was a successful general and President of the United States, George Washington wrote this prayer for wisdom and guidance: “O eternal and everlasting God, I presume to present myself this morning before thy Divine majesty, beseeching thee to accept of my humble and hearty thanks, that it hath pleased thy great goodness to keep and preserve me the night past from all the dangers poor mortals are subject to, and has given me sweet and pleasant sleep, whereby I find my body refreshed and comforted for performing the duties of this day, in which I beseech thee to defend me from all perils of body and soul....

Increase my faith in the sweet promises of the gospel; give me repentance from dead works; pardon my wanderings, and direct my thoughts unto thyself, the God of my salvation; teach me how to live in thy fear, labor in thy service, and ever to run in the ways of thy commandments; make me always watchful over my heart, that neither the terrors of conscience, the loathing of holy duties, the love of sin, nor an unwillingness to depart this life, may cast me into a spiritual slumber, but daily frame me more and more into the likeness of thy son Jesus Christ, that living in thy fear, and dying in thy favor, I may in thy appointed time attain the resurrection of the just unto eternal life bless my family, friends, and kindred.”


We should desire to seek God’s wisdom in all that we do. Today in prayer, thank Jesus for His Word and seek His wisdom in the Bible in all your decisions.


"He is truly wise who looks upon all earthly things as folly that he may gain Christ." - Thomas a Kempis


God's Word: "Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding,

for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold." - Proverbs 3:13-14


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Enjoy Life
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Monday Jun 18, 2012
Devotional - Enjoy Life

"So I commend the enjoyment of life, because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany him in his work all the days of the life God has given him under the sun." - Ecclesiastes 8:15


Nick Vujicic is a 29 year old Australian preacher who enjoys swimming, surfing, golf and soccer. He enjoys travels extensively and has his own non-profit organization, Life without Limbs. Nick is limbless, he is missing both arms at shoulder level, as well as legless. His feet were toeless except for two toes on one foot.

At eight years old, Nick became severely depressed and contemplated suicide. A key turning point came when his mother showed him a newspaper article about a man dealing with a severe disability. Nick realized he wasn't unique in his struggles and began to embrace his disability.

He began to master the daily tasks of life. He learned to write using the two toes on his left foot with a special grip that slid onto his big toe. He learned to use a computer and type using the "heel and toe" method. He learned to throw tennis balls, play drum pedals, get himself a glass of water, comb his hair, brush his teeth, answer the phone and shave.

'I realised why God had made us like this - to give hope to others. It was so inspirational to me that I decided to use my life to encourage other people and give them the courage that the article had given me’ said Nick.

“If God can use a man without arms and legs to be His hands and feet, then He will certainly use any willing heart! If I can encourage just one person then my job in this life is done.”


Today is a gift from the Lord; enjoy the day!  Today in prayer, ask the Lord to give you a fresh appreciation for your life and a joy for living.


"It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness." - Charles Haddon Spurgeon


God's Word: "Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for it is now that God favors what you do." - Ecclesiastes 9:7


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Being Patient
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Sunday Jun 17, 2012
Devotional - Being Patient

"The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride." - Ecclesiastes 7:8


Charles Goodyear was born in New Haven, Connecticut in 1800. He had no formal education, and in 1821 he went into partnership with his father in a hardware business that later failed. Charles was a Christian and in 1834, he learned about rubber. At the time, natural rubber was used only for a few applications because natural rubber melted very easily. Charles felt called to discover how to treat rubber so it would not melt so easily.

For the next five years, Goodyear patiently dedicated himself to experimenting with rubber. Though he was heavily in debt, he continued to look for the answer in both his own home and the debtors' prison kitchens.

Then in 1839, he began drying the rubber with sulfur. One sample was accidently placed near a wood stove. The next day, the sample was elastic but not sticky. His ‘vulcanization’ process was a success.

Goodyear filed patents for the process, but legal challenges soon arose. It wasn’t until 1853 that the legal battles for his patents were behind him. Goodyear finally saw the fruit of 20 years of patience.  Vulcanized rubber became a commonly used material for numerous products.


We need to be patient and take the long view in living our lives. Today in prayer, praise Jesus for His patience toward you and seek to be patient in all that you do.


"Patience is the queen of all virtues." - John Chrysostom


God's Word: "A patient man has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man displays folly." - Proverbs 14:29


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Bribery Corrupts The Heart
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Thursday Jun 14, 2012
Devotional - Bribery Corrupts The Heart

"Extortion turns a wise man into a fool, and a bribe corrupts the heart." - Ecclesiastes 7:7


In February 2012, Chanel Vern Scanlan, a former community work supervisor for the Tokoroa Corrections Department in Tokoroa, New Zealand, plead guilty to perverting the course of justice, bribery, and corruption. Chanel, age 38, was found guilty of 35 charges of accepting bribes in exchange for writing off community service work for prisoners.  Scanlan falsified the records of 30 detainees and, all up, 2700 hours of work were falsely recorded as having been completed. The court was told in one case Scanlan solicited a bribe of $200 and in another instance was given a load of firewood. Scanlan's defense lawyer Arama Ngapo-Lipscombe, told the court she had discussed applying for bail with Scanlan but he declined. "He is extremely remorseful for his actions and regrets the impact it has had on his family and former work colleagues," she said. Ms. Ngapo-Lipscombe said Scanlan, before being charged, had resigned from the Corrections Department and moved to Australia. It was there he rediscovered his Christian faith. Once his offenses were revealed, Scanlan made the difficult but morally right choice to return to New Zealand to face the charges, she said. In a 14-page letter to the court, Scanlan apologized to all those he had wronged, including his family, church, children and wife.


Your personal integrity is important because you belong to Christ. Today in prayer, ask the Lord to keep you away from any bribes.


"Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder." - George Washington


God's Word: "Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds those who see and twists the words of the righteous." - Exodus 23:8


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Money Is Fleeting
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Wednesday Jun 13, 2012
Devotional - Money Is Fleeting

"God gives a man wealth, possessions and honor, so that he lacks nothing his heart desires, but God does not enable him to enjoy them, and a stranger enjoys them instead. This is meaningless, a grievous evil." - Ecclesiastes 6:2


In 2002, 19-year-old Michael Carroll won $15.5 million (£9.7 million) in the London lotto. Carroll, employed as a rubbish man, claimed he would not be tempted into spending his money lavishly and only wanted to buy a 3-bedroom house near a lake, where he could go fishing.

But the temptation to splurge was too much. He bought four houses, a holiday villa in Spain, two convertible BMWs along with two Mercedes-Benz cars and several quad bikes. Carroll also began to wear a large amount of gold jewelry and threw extravagant parties.

He wasted money on illegal drugs and prostitutes. He damaged his cars and houses so badly, that when he went to sell them, he took severe losses.

By 2010, Michael Carroll had lost all his wealth. He had been in trouble so much with the law that he could not even return to his old job as a rubbish collector. He began living on unemployment and was arrested for petty theft of a sandwich. His biography, written by Sean Boru, is entitled “Careful What You Wish For.”


Money is fleeting, but Christ is eternal. We need to spend every valuable moment of life bringing glory to Christ. Today in prayer, give the Lord your undivided heart and seek to glorify Him in all that you do.


"I will place no value on anything I have or may possess, except in relation to the kingdom of Christ." - David Livingstone


God's Word: "Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work--this is a gift of God." - Ecclesiastes 5:19


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Loving Money
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Tuesday Jun 12, 2012
Devotional - Loving Money

"Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless." - Ecclesiastes 5:10


Jean Paul Getty was an American industrialist who founded Getty Oil Company. In 1957, Fortune magazine named him the richest living American with a net worth of approximately $2 billion.

He was an avid collector of art and antiquities; his collection formed the basis of the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, California, and over $661 million of his estate was left to the museum after his death.

Despite his great wealth, Getty was known for being a miser. He did not heat most portions of his palatial home, and he spent hours scrutinizing his grocery bills. He also installed a pay telephone at his English country estate, Sutton Place, to ensure that guests paid for their own calls.

He would even save bits of string that he found and was delighted when he had enough to tie up a parcel.

He foolishly said: “If you can actually count your money, then you're not a rich man.”


Money should not command our affection and be the driving force in our lives. Today in prayer, praise Jesus that true wealth is knowing and loving Him.


"There is nothing that makes men rich and strong but that which they carry inside of them. Wealth is of the heart, not of the hand." – John Milton


God's Word: "A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished." - Proverbs 28:20


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Be Careful With Your Words
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Monday Jun 11, 2012
Devotional - Be Careful With Your Words

“Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.” – Ecclesiastes 5:2


Author Mary Ann Bird shared this very personal story in The Whisper Test. She wrote, “I grew up knowing I was different, and I hated it. I was born with a cleft palate, and when I started school, my classmates made it clear to me how I looked to others: a little girl with a misshapen lip, crooked nose, lopsided teeth, and garbled speech.” “When classmates asked, ‘What happened to your lip? I’d tell them I’d fallen and cut it on a piece of glass. Somehow it seemed more acceptable to have suffered an accident than to have been born different. I was convinced that no one outside my family could love me.” “There was, however, a teacher in the second grade that we all adored—Mrs. Leonard [was her] name. She was short, round, happy—a sparkling lady.” Annually we had a hearing test . . . Mrs. Leonard gave the test to everyone in the class, and finally it was my turn. I knew from past years that as we stood against the door and covered one ear, the teacher sitting at her desk would whisper something, and we would have to repeat it back—things like “The sky is blue” or “Do you have new shoes?” I waited there for those words that God must have put into her mouth. [They were] seven words that changed my life. Mrs. Leonard said in her whisper, “I wish you were my little girl.”


We need to be speak less and when we do, it should be words of encouragement. Today in prayer, praise the Lord that He hears all and understands all and seek to glorify in Him with your speech.


"Speech is the mirror of the soul; as a man speaks, so is he." - Publilius Syrus


God's Word: "When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise." - Proverbs 10:19


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Two Are Better Than One
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Sunday Jun 10, 2012
Devotional - Two Are Better Than One

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!" - Ecclesiastes 4:9-10


Robert Moffat was the first missionary to Kuruman, Bechuanaland (now part of South Africa). He arrived in South Africa in 1817 and two years later he married Mary Smith. They had a blessed marriage and Robert referred to Mary as his “beloved partner.”

Where Robert was an independent individual given to moods both visionary and of depression, Mary was his counterbalance. She was steady, disciplined, patient, and organized. She had a faith in the Lord and in her husband that never wavered. 

It wasn’t until February 1829, ten years after Mary’s arrival in South Africa, that they saw the first natives come to Jesus.  

Mary not only kept their family of twelve together, she was a great encourager to Robert in the tedious task of learning the African dialects and translating the Bible. Through the many years of Robert’s plodding word-by-word, verse-by-verse, it was Mary who continued to spur him on. 

In 1857, after 38 years of laboring, both Robert and his “beloved partner” were able to celebrate the translation of the Bible into the Tswana language.

In all, the two served on the mission field 51 years, working together for the glory of God.


The Lord brings spouses and friends into our lives because two are better than one for the difficult tasks in life. Today in prayer, praise the Lord for the friends and family that He has brought in your life that bring you support and comfort.


"Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil." - Baltasar Gracian


God's Word: "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." - Ecclesiastes 4:12


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Eternity In Our Hearts
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Thursday Jun 7, 2012
Devotional - Eternity In Our Hearts

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end." - Ecclesiastes 3:11


In 1984, a tribute to Soviet soldiers who died in World War II was built in Bishked, the capital city of Kyrgyzstan. An eternal flame was lit in Bishkek's Victory Square in front a statue of a woman representing those who waited for loved ones to return from the war.

But on April 24, 2012, just two weeks before the 67th anniversary of Nazi Germany’s surrender to the Soviet Union in Berlin, the flame was extinguished.

Outraged citizens thought it was because the government had not paid the natural gas bill for three years. But the eternal flame had been turned off for maintenance in the lead up to Victory Day on May 9, a holiday still celebrated in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan. The flame was restored within five hours but the damage had been done.  

“The eternal flame must be eternal. It must burn day and night and remind us of our sacrifice for victory,” said Bishkek poet Sooronbay Jusuyev, 87, a veteran of World War II.

“We should be ashamed in front of our neighbors that we let the fire go out,” he said. “The government must find means to keep it on all the time.”


Though we have eternity in our hearts, we cannot truly fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Today in prayer, praise the Lord that He is God over all of time and is to be praised throughout all of eternity.


"We are citizens of eternity." – Fyodor Dostoyevsky


God's Word: ""The LORD brought me forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old; I was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began." - Proverbs 8:22-23


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - In His Time
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Wednesday Jun 6, 2012
Devotional - In His Time

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven" - Ecclesiastes 3:1


Lars Olsen Skrefsrud was born in Norway in 1840. He wanted to become a pastor, but his family was very poor, and after minimal education he was trained as a coppersmith. Disenchanted, Lars began to drink heavily. With some drinking companions, he robbed a bank when he was nineteen years old. He was caught, refused to name the other robbers, and was sent to jail for four years.

In jail, he began to read Christian books and he studied foreign languages. After a talk with a visiting pastor, he dedicated himself to study for the ministry. He was released from prison in 1861, and he studied two years at the Gossner Missionary Society in Berlin.

In 1862, when Lars Skrefsrud asked the Norwegian Missionary Society to send him out as a missionary, the mission leaders turned him down. They didn't want an ex-con representing them on the foreign field. It wasn't Lars' time.

However, a few weeks later, the Gossner Missionary Society did approve of Lars and in 1863 he arrived in India. He went to work among the Santals of northern India. The first converts were baptized in a little over a year, and when Lars died about 45 years later there were about 20,000 baptized Santal Christians.


The Lord calls us into different seasons and we need to live each of these days brining glory to Him. Today in prayer, give thanks to Jesus for this time in your life and seek to follow His will each and every day.


"Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend." - Theophrastus


God's Word: "I thought in my heart, "God will bring to judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time for every deed." -Ecclesiastes 3:17


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2009, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Finding Satisfaction
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Tuesday Jun 5, 2012
Devotional - Finding Satisfaction

"A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?" - Ecclesiastes 2:24-25


In her pamphlet, “Finding Satisfaction in God,” Kimberly Bensen describes her life when she weighed more than 300 pounds and how she found satisfaction in the Lord instead of food.

“I was eating myself to death. But food was just too enjoyable, too important to me to give it up.

Then one Sunday, my pastor preached a sermon on gluttony and said, “And the Israelites craved meat more than God.” I remember thinking, “How can that be? Who could love food more than God?” Then I realized: that was me. I finally confessed to myself that I had given food the primary place in my heart—before my family, before my God. Food had become an idol to me, and I couldn’t seem to do anything about it. I felt completely enslaved. But God hadn’t given up on me, and He continued working on my heart.

Then, on October 1st, 2001, with a broken, hurting spirit, I prayed this prayer:

“God, I’m sorry. I know I’ve put food before my family and You. But that’s the way it is; I can’t change my heart.”

And then a light bulb went off. “But you can, oh God! You can change my heart!

Please change my heart! Make me love You more than food. Take away these awful chains that have bound me for so long. Please! Amen.”

For two years, Kimberly worked on changing habits, learning portion control, memorizing Scripture, fleeing temptation, and leaning on a God who gave her encouragement and deliverance. She found satisfaction in God and as a result satisfaction in all areas in her life. She lost 210 pounds and she said: “The most important lesson I learned was that the change had to be made on the inside before it could be permanent on the outside.”


Our lives do belong to the Lord and outside of Him we will not find satisfaction. Today in prayer, praise Christ that in Him we can find an abundant and joyful life.


"If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.” – C.S. Lewis


God's Word: "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." - Philippians 4:12-13


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail



Devotional - Pleasure's Place
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Monday Jun 4, 2012
Devotional - Pleasure's Place

"I thought in my heart, "Come now, I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good." But that also proved to be meaningless." - Ecclesiastes 2:1


John Flavel, an English Puritan who lived in the 17th century, was one of the main influences in Charles Spurgeon’s spiritual formation in the Gospel. He gives his insight on the place of pleasure:

“Ecstasy and delight are essential to the believer’s soul and they promote sanctification. We were not meant to live without spiritual exhilaration, and the Christian who goes for a long time without the experience of heart-warming will soon find himself tempted to have his emotions satisfied from earthly things and not, as he ought, from the Spirit of God. The soul is so constituted that it craves fulfillment from things outside itself and will embrace earthly joys for satisfaction when it cannot reach spiritual ones. The believer is in spiritual danger if he allows himself to go for any length of time without tasting the love of Christ and savoring the felt comforts of a Savior’s presence. When Christ ceases to fill the heart with satisfaction, our souls will go in silent search of other lovers. By the enjoyment of the love of Christ in the heart of a believer, we mean an experience of the “love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given to us” (Rom. 5:5). Because the Lord has made himself accessible to us in the means of grace, it is our duty and privilege to seek this experience from Him in these means till we are made the joyful partakers of it.”


Seeking pleasure does not bring fulfillment; that can only come through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Today in prayer, thank Christ that in Him we can find contentment in all circumstances.


“God gets no glory from people who don’t enjoy God … God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.” – John Piper


God's Word: "He who loves pleasure will become poor; whoever loves wine and oil will never be rich." - Proverbs 21:17


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail



Devotional - Nothing New Under The Sun
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Sunday Jun 3, 2012
Devotional - Nothing New Under The Sun

"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, "Look! This is something new"? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time. There is no remembrance of men of old, and even those who are yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow." - Ecclesiastes 1:9-11


For the longest time, the first known use of the fork as a personal utensil was recorded in Persia during the ninth century. The fork was used primarily as a serving utensil prior to this time.

By the 11th century, the table fork had made its way to Italy. In Italy, it became quite popular by the 14th century, being commonly used for eating by merchant and upper classes by 1600. It did not become popular in America until the mid-1700’s, just prior to the American Revolution. The curved fork that is used in most parts of the world today was developed in Germany in the mid 18th century. The standard four-tine design became current in the early 19th century.

But in April 2010, the China International Publishing Group reported on a unique find in a Chinese tomb. A knife and fork were found in the tomb of China's first emperor, Qin Shihuang. The utensils were dated to around 210 BC, centuries prior to its presumed date of invention. It was the earliest known fork found at an archaeological site.


New “discoveries” are often just rediscoveries. But the greatest discovery of all is having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Today in prayer, praise the Lord that in Him we will truly learn new things each day.


"The Christian life is the life of the Lord Jesus Christ lived nineteen hundred years ago, lived now by Him in you!" - W. Ian Thomas


God's Word: "You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life." - John 5:39-40


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - When Life Becomes Meaningless
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Thursday May 31, 2012
Devotional - When Life Becomes Meaningless

"The words of the Teacher, son of David, king in Jerusalem: 'Meaningless! Meaningless!' says the Teacher. 'Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.'" - Ecclesiastes 1:1-2


Gorgias was a Sicilian philosopher and teacher in Greece who lived four centuries before Christ. He would often speak to motivate people toward practical applications in civic and political life. But as time went on, Gorgias began to question the meaning of life. He soon came to the conclusion that life was meaningless. He famously said: "Nothing exists. If anything did exist it could not be known. If it was known, the knowledge of it would be incommunicable."

He believed that objective truth was impossible and only the art of persuasion was important. His arguments led to open challenges of existing moral standards. Though Gorgias was a popular, gifted speaker, his pessimistic view of life made him a target of Greek poets. The poets lampooned him in at least three Greek comedies. Gorgias did not have any close friends, never married and he left no direct descendants. His sole legacy was his philosophy that life is meaninglessness.


Jesus Christ brings meaning and purpose to life. Today in prayer, pray for those people who you know who do not yet know Jesus. Pray they may have a personal relationship with Him and in Him they may have eternal life.  


"The only reason why man as man has individual significance is that Christ died for him."  - George MacLeod


God's Word: "'Meaningless! Meaningless!' says the Teacher. 'Everything is meaningless!'" - Ecclesiastes 12:8


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail


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