“The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, "Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the LORD. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves." – 2 Kings 4:1
In December 2013, Courtney Barich of Surrey, British Columbia, Canada was preparing for her high school prom.
"I thought my dress should help people who are in need," she said. "I decided I don't need to wear a fancy prom dress."
She found "the one" at a local boutique - complete with a hefty $700 price tag. The store was closing for the night, however, and she was scheduled to return the next day for the alterations.
It was a serendipitous inconvenience.
"We were driving in the car and I felt kind of selfish for how much it cost," Courtney said. "My mom said, 'You would look good in anything, even a garbage bag or a potato sack.' And the idea kind of grew from there."
She created a website where she posted her vow to go to the prom in a potato sack-esque dress in exchange for support for the Saint Martin de Porres Orphanage in Manila, Philippines which she and her classmates were scheduled to visit a few months later.
"I will give up the glitz and glam of a beautiful grad dress and I will wear a Burlap dress to grad instead, if I can get $10,000 in much needed donations to help this orphanage," she wrote.
With the help of a designer, Courtney was able to go to the prom in burlap to benefit charity, and still be glamorous. After launching the project, Courtney knew she'd made the right decision when she and her fellow students arrived at the orphanage in March on a two-week mission trip to build houses.
"It was definitely an eye-opener to see all the poverty, from the houses they live in to what they eat. All the kids were walking around with no shoes," she said. "It was very sad. I came back grateful."
Courtney went to the prom in a beautifully designed burlap dress and she hit her $10,000 goal. She continued fundraising via her website until September 2014, when she returned to the orphanage to do more volunteer work.
In all that we do, we need to remember and to be kind to orphans and widows. Today in prayer, praise the Lord for His lovingkindness and seek to be kind to others.
“The greatest thing a man can do for his heavenly Father is to be kind to some of his other children.” – Henry Drummond
God’s Word: “Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” – Psalm 82:3-4
By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2014, Devotional E-Mail