“I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart; before the "gods" I will sing your praise.” – Psalm 138:1
Pastor Mark Rice from Kingman, Arizona has developed an “Alphabet Praise.” To start Alphabet Praise, you simply say,
O God, you are . . .
A – awesome, almighty, able, Abba, all-powerful, advocate, my all in all, author and finisher, alpha and omega, Ancient of Days, the Amen
B — branch, bread from heaven, big, bright
C — compassionate, cornerstone, Creator, Comforter, Christ, Captain of our salvation, close to me
D – deliverer, Dayspring, the door to heaven
E — excellent, everywhere, eternal
F — father, faithful, friend, forgiver, my fortress, Christ the fullness of God, Fountain of Living Water, Firstborn of All Creation
G — good, great, generous, gracious, glorious
H – holy, my help, heavenly, hiding place, high priest, healer, Holy Spirit
I — I AM, Immanuel, infinite, invisible, immortal, indwelling
J — just, judge, justifier, jealous, source of my joy
K — king, kind, keeper of Israel
L — love, life, light, Lord, Lamb, Living Stone, Lily of the Valley
M — merciful, maker, Most High, Messiah, Morningstar, Mediator, Man of Sorrows
N — near, never far away, never-failing God,
O — overwhelming, omnipotent, only begotten Son
P — Prince of Peace, provider, perfect, pearl of great price, the ultimate promisekeeper
Q — quick to hear our prayers, the one who quiets my heart
R — radiant, Redeemer, righteous, ruler, restores my soul, rewarder, rock, refuge, Resurrection and the Life
S – sovereign, Savior, Sanctifier, Son, strong tower, shepherd, shield, silent
T — true, trustworthy, the teacher
U — unchanging, unequaled, ultimate
V — vast, victorious, the vine
W — wise, way, wonderful, Word of God, water of life
X — excellent, have true x-ray vision of every heart
Y – Yahweh, yearns for us
Z — zealous, the A to Z of all creation
Jesus Christ is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega. He deserves all of our praise. Today in prayer, praise the Lord for all that He is!
“I have never committed the least matter to God, that I have not had reason for infinite praise.” – Anna Shipton
God’s Word: “For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods.” – Psalm 95:3
By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2013, Devotional E-Mail