“O my Comforter in sorrow, my heart is faint within me.” – Jeremiah 8:18
In 1987, 15 year old Douglas Maurer of Creve Coeur, Missouri was running a high fever and was admitted to the hospital. After a battery of tests, He was diagnosed as having leukemia.
During the next 48 hours, Douglas endured blood transfusions, spinal and bone marrow tests and chemotherapy. He developed pneumonia. For five days his mother stayed in his hospital room. The doctors told him in plain terms the seriousness of his disease.
On the day he had been admitted, Douglas opened his eyes, looked around his room, and said to his mother, “I thought you get flowers when you`re in the hospital.” This was the first time since he was born that Douglas had been in a hospital.
One of Douglas’ aunts, hearing this, called a floral shop to send Douglas an arrangement of flowers. The flower shop was Brix Florist.
As Douglas’ aunt placed her telephone order, she described her nephew’s condition.
When the floral arrangement arrived at the hospital, it was beautiful. Douglas was feeling strong enough to sit up; he opened the envelope and read the card from his aunt.
Then he saw that, in the envelope, was another card. The card said:
“Douglas--I took your order. I work at Brix Florist. I had leukemia when I was 7 years old. I’m 22 years old now. Good luck. My heart goes out to you. Sincerely, Laura Bradley.”
According to his mother, Douglas` face lit up. He said, “Oh!”
Douglas’ mother said, “For the first time since he had been in the hospital, he had gotten some inspiration. He had talked to so many doctors and nurses. But this one card, from the woman at the florist`s who had survived leukemia, was the thing that made him believe he might beat the disease.”
Laura said: “When the woman on the phone told me that the boy had leukemia, my head dropped into my hands. I felt tears coming into my eyes. It reminded me of when I first learned that I had it.”
Because Laura took the time to care, Douglas was comforted and gained hope.
God is the Great Comforter who is always present and can comfort us in our sorrows. Today in prayer, praise the Lord that He is a God of Comfort.
“Most of our comforts grow up between our crosses.” – Edward Young
God’s Word: “For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.” – 2 Corinthians 1:5
By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2012, Devotional E-Mail