"When I applied my mind to know wisdom and to observe man's labor on earth--his eyes not seeing sleep day or night" - Ecclesiastes 8:16
Christian author Steve May tells the story of "Dee," who grew up in an affluent home in east Tennessee. She came from an affluent, but unchurched home. Dee's time at college involved wild living, and soon her life became a never-ending search for a party.
One weekend, Dee and her friends rented some rooms at a local motel, and set about the usual activities involving drugs and alcohol. On this weekend, the group also devised a contest to see who could steal the most from the room. One of the things Dee stole was the Gideon Bible.
Since they all thought it was funny, Dee won the contest.
Several weeks later, Dee's life began to fall apart. She discovered she was pregnant. Abortion seemed the only solution, and it was a solution she had used in the past. Her boyfriend left her, and Dee found herself all alone.
One night, in the midst of her fear and uncertainty, in the midst of her crisis, she picked up the Bible she had stolen and began to read.
She flipped the book open to 1 Samuel, and found the story of Hannah, who desperately wanted a child. It was the first time Dee had ever read the Bible, and the words seemed to have a life of their own. In a short time, as she read more of the Bible, and as she found Christians ready to help her, Dee accepted Christ. As the years went by, Dee grew deeper in her walk with Christ, and by the time her child was a teen-ager, both mother and daughter were telling their story to groups all around their community.
It was crisis that brought Dee to a point of searching for answers, and it was the Bible that took her to the only place where she'd find true wisdom. And immediately, that wisdom changed the way Dee lived.
In all that you do, seek wisdom. Today in prayer, thank Jesus for His Word and seek His wisdom in the Bible in all your decisions.
"He is truly wise who looks upon all earthly things as folly that he may gain Christ." - Thomas a Kempis
God's Word: "Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding,
for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold." - Proverbs 3:13-14
By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2018, Devotional E-Mail