“How you have helped the powerless! How you have saved the arm that is feeble!” – Job 26:2
Tracy Judkins ran away from the chaos of her dysfunctional family at the age of 17. To support herself, she ran into an even darker place.
"The world of topless dancing is a world of fabrication," Tracy said. "The only way you are accepted is sexually. You have to learn how to manipulate manipulation."
Tracy also got hooked on methamphetamines.
"I began this journey of intense violence. It was theft. It was assault. I had no conviction at all. I had no fear. I had no fear because I didn’t believe in God."
Tracy was in and out of jail and mental institutions. The streets became her home.
"I had warrants out for my arrest. My own mother had an order of protection against me because I became violent towards her."
Finally, Tracy turned herself in to the police and went to jail.
"I felt as though I hadn’t just hit the bottom, but I slammed through to the pit. I felt such despair. There was no hope. No hope. No light. I cried out to a God that I didn’t believe in. I said, ‘If you are real, you have to help me. Please help me.’ I was crying out again, to a God I didn’t believe in.
"It must have been 10 minutes of crying and crying, and suddenly out of nowhere, I felt a warmth hit both of my feet and at the same time. I knew it was a healing, and the words that came out of my mouth were, ‘Praise you sweet Jesus of Nazareth.’ How I knew to say that, I’ll never know. The warmth traveled up my entire body and I felt a comfort and peace I had not felt all of my life. It was the beginning of my life."
In 2005, Tracy entered a women’s halfway house and went to church.
"The changes that started happening to me were so profound – so profound."
Today, Tracy is completely free from her drug addiction and mentors recovering addicts in Arizona.
Our God sees our tears, hears our sobs and draws close to the powerless. Today in prayer, praise Jesus that He is a God of compassion.
“The dew of compassion is a tear.” – Lord Byron
God’s Word: “You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.” – Romans 5:6
By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2023, Devotional E-Mail