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by Peter Kennedy
Devotional - Do Good
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Sunday Sep 29, 2024
Devotional - Do Good

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." - Galatians 6:9


In his book “An Unhurried Life”, Alan Fadling tells a modern-day parable that describes a king and his two servants. Each of the servants desires to do the will of the king, but they approach their work very differently:

“One of the servants, for fear of not pleasing his master, rose early each day to hurry along to do all the things that he believed the king wanted done. He didn’t want to bother the king with questions about what that work was. Instead, he hurried from project to project from early morning until late at night. The other servant, also eager to please his master, would rise early as well, but he took a few moments to go to the king, ask him about his wishes for the day and find out just what it was he desired to be done. Only after such a consultation did this servant step into the work of his day.

…The busy servant may have gotten a lot done by the time the inquiring servant even started his work, but which of them was doing the will of the master and pleasing him? Genuine productivity is not about getting as much done for God as we can manage. It is doing the good work God actually has for us in a given day. Genuine productivity is learning that we are more than servants, that we are beloved sons and daughters invited into the good kingdom work of our heavenly Father. That being the case, how might God be inviting you to wait for his specific direction?”


The Lord wants us to be people of action, always doing good to help others and to bring glory to God. Today in prayer, praise Jesus that He is our greatest example of doing good and seek to do good in all that you do.


"When you are able to do good, do not defer it." - Polycarp


God's Word: "Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share." - 1 Timothy 6:18


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Do Not Be Conceited
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Thursday Sep 26, 2024
Devotional - Do Not Be Conceited

"Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other." - Galatians 5:26


Lady Nancy Astor, the first woman ever seated in the British House of Commons from 1919 until 1945. She encountered a lot of male antagonism -- but proved herself capable of giving as well as receiving in that arena. Once, at a formal dinner, Lady Astor said to her neighbor that she considered men to be more conceited than women. Noticing that she had been heard around the table, she continued loudly: "It's a pity that the most intelligent and learned men attach the least importance to the way they dress. Why, right at this table the most cultivated man is wearing the most clumsily knotted tie!" The words were scarcely out of her mouth before every man in the room secretly reached up to adjust his tie. 


Conceit is a sin - be on your guard against it! Today in prayer, confess any sin of conceit in your life and seek to walk humbly with the Lord.


“Conceit, more rich in matter than in words, brags of his substance: they are but beggars who can count their worth.” – William Shakespeare


God's Word: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.” – Philippians 2:3


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Be Self-Controlled
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Devotional - Be Self-Controlled

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." - Galatians 5:22-23


The Miami Heat NBA basketball team is known for their strict physical requirements for their players.

The Heat’s offseason workouts, training camps and practices are the stuff of legend. Players work extremely hard, spending a ton of time on conditioning and weight training. And it never really lets up.

“They had us come in early during the offseason to prepare for training camp,” said one current Heat player, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “We did sprints and other conditioning drills, and we even went outside to push some sleds and flip tires and stuff like that. This was all to get ready for training camp.”

“When camp started, it was definitely different. With other teams, they may have veterans who can’t run as much so the training camp is kind of built to accommodate those guys.” Not in Miami, everyone is pushed to the limit.

They measure their body fat and health every Monday during the season. It may seem like a lot to go through, but given that they get paid millions of dollars to play basketball, it’s actually a pretty good deal. Similarly, we need to see our need to be self-controlled for God.


The Lord has called us to be self-controlled in all that we do. Today in prayer, thank Jesus for His example of self-control.


"I have been able to conquer an empire, but I have not been able to conquer myself." – Peter the Great


God's Word: “Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.” – Proverbs 25:28


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - The Sin Of Envy
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Devotional - The Sin Of Envy

“The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.” – Galatians 5:19-21


The godly Scottish preacher Andrew Bonar was a minister of the Free Church of Scotland. He studied divinity at the University of Edinburgh from 1831 to 1835 and he began preaching in 1838.

Bonar penned a diary entry. He wrote, "This day 20 years ago I preached for the first time as an ordained minister. It is amazing that the Lord has spared me and used me at all. I have no reason to wonder that He used others far more than He does me. Yet envy is my hurt, and today I have been seeking grace to rejoice exceedingly over the usefulness of others, even where it cast me into the shade. Lord, take away this envy from me!"


Envy is an abhorrent sin and one that leads to many other sins. Today in prayer, confess any sin of envy to the Lord and seek to rejoice in other’s successes as you follow Christ.


“Envy is the diabolical sin.” – Augustine


God’s Word: “Resentment kills a fool, and envy slays the simple. – Job 5:2


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Love Your Neighbor
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Monday Sep 23, 2024
Devotional - Love Your Neighbor

"The entire law is summed up in a single command: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" - Galatians 5:14


In his book “The Hopeful Neighborhood”, Don Everts tells the following story: “In 2017 Rebekah Morris was teaching English and journalism at Cross Keys High School, a public high school in Atlanta. Noticing that her students had really important, insightful things to say about their community, Rebekah created a group assignment for her ninth-grade students to research and write about how to pursue the common good in their community. Even though most of these students had only fifth- and sixth-grade reading levels, they wound up compiling a list of powerful insights, knowledge, and observations. They were, it turned out, experts on their own neighborhood. Because their neighborhood is mostly composed of a series of apartments along Buford Highway on the north side of Atlanta, many of their insights centered on how to promote the well-being of those living in the apartments. The final class assignment was to present their ideas to the city council, mayor, community members, and stakeholders. And they did just that, presenting practical, wise ideas for improving affordable housing, pedestrian walkways, and more.

Their ideas were so spot-on that their presentation drew the attention of the local press: these ninth graders made people rethink what gifts were already planted all along Buford Highway. Rebekah and the students were so encouraged and empowered that they formed a club to keep the project going even after the class ended. Soon they were holding dinners in apartments to tap into the gifts and insights of those living in the various apartment complexes.

Neighbors shared their wisdom, leadership gifts began to blossom, residents got more connected to local agencies and government offices. As tangible improvements to the neighborhood mounted, an association, Los Vecinos (The Neighbors), was born and is now active in more than twenty apartment complexes. Rebekah and her students (and now hundreds of people living in their community) were simply doing what Genesis and Peter tell us we’re created and called to do: use every gift that God has given us and our neighbors. By tapping into the gifts God had already placed in the neighborhood the common good along Buford Highway has improved.”


Do you love others as Jesus loves you? Today in prayer, seek to love your neighbor for Jesus' glory.


"Love is an act of endless forgiveness" - Peter Ustinov


God's Word: ""The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."" - Mark 12:29-31


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Step Out And Serve
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Sunday Sep 22, 2024
Devotional - Step Out And Serve

"You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love." - Galatians 5:13


Chuck Colson as Special Counsel to President Richard Nixon from 1969 to 1970. Once known as President Nixon's "hatchet man", Colson plead guilty to obstruction of justice for attempting to defame Pentagon Papers defendant Daniel Ellsberg. In 1974, Colson served seven months in the federal Maxwell Prison in Alabama, as the first member of the Nixon administration to be incarcerated for Watergate-related charges.

Colson became an evangelical Christian in 1973. His mid-life religious conversion sparked a radical life change that led to the founding of his non-profit ministry Prison Fellowship.

He wrote: “When I was in Moscow in 1990 preaching at the Moscow Baptist Church, just blocks from the Kremlin, I told a packed crowd of worshipers that all through human history, as far back as recorded time and doubtless before, kings, princes, tribal chiefs, presidents, and dictators have sent their subjects into battle to die for them. Only once in human history has a king not sent his subjects to die for him, but instead, died for his subjects. This is the King who introduces the Kingdom that cannot be shaken, because this King reigns eternally.”


When we serve one another, we glorify our Father in Heaven. Today in prayer, thank Jesus that He showed us how to serve. Seek to serve others to bring glory to Christ.


"No man was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.” – Calvin Coolidge


God's Word: "The greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." - Matthew 23:11-12


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Free In Christ
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Devotional - Free In Christ

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." - Galatians 5:1


In his book “A Free People’s Suicide: Sustainable Freedom and the American Future”, Os Guinness writes: “In 1843, a twenty-one-year-old Massachusetts scholar was doing research on the American Revolution and what led up to it. Among those he interviewed was Captain Levi Preston, a Yankee who was seventy years his senior and had fought at both Lexington and Concord. “Captain Preston,” the young man began, “what made you go to the Concord Fight on April 19, 1775?” “What did I go for?” The old soldier, every bit his ninety-one years, was very bowed, so he raised himself to his full height, taken aback that anyone should ask a question about anything so obvious. The young man tried again. “Yes, my histories tell me that you men of the Revolution took up arms against `intolerable oppressions.’ What were they?” “Oppressions? I didn’t feel them.” “What, you were not oppressed by the Stamp Act?” “I never saw one of those stamps,” Captain Preston replied. “I certainly never paid a penny for them.” “Well, what about the tea tax?” “Tea tax? I never drank a drop of the stuff,” the old veteran replied. “The boys threw it all overboard.” “Then I suppose you had been reading Harrington, or Sidney and Locke about the eternal principles of liberty?” “Never heard of ’em,” Captain Preston said. “We read only the Bible, the Catechism, Watts’s Psalms and Hymns and the Almanac.” “Well then, what was the matter? And what did you mean in going to the fight?” “Young man,” Captain Preston stated firmly, “what we meant in going for those Redcoats was this: We always had been free, and we meant to be free always. They didn’t mean we should.”


True freedom is found in Jesus Christ. Today in prayer, praise the Lord that in Him that, when we stand firm in Him, we are free from sin.


"We find freedom when we find God; we lose it when we lose Him.” – Paul E. Scherrer


God's Word: "Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God." - 1 Peter 2:16


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - To Zeal Or Not To Zeal
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Devotional - To Zeal Or Not To Zeal

"Those people are zealous to win you over, but for no good. What they want is to alienate you [from us], so that you may be zealous for them. It is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good, and to be so always and not just when I am with you." - Galatians 4:17-18


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer and physician. He is best remembered for creating the character Sherlock Holmes.

Doyle had a longstanding interest in mystical subjects and became a zealous spiritualist later in life.

In 1916, at the height of the First World War, Doyle's belief in psychic phenomena was strengthened by what he took to be the psychic abilities of his children's nanny, Lily Symonds. This and the constant drumbeat of wartime deaths inspired him with the idea that spiritualism was what he called a "New Revelation" sent by God to bring solace to the bereaved. He wrote a piece in Light magazine about his faith and began lecturing frequently on spiritualism. In 1918, he published his first spiritualist work, The New Revelation.

In 1922, Doyle wrote “The Coming of the Fairies” in which he described his beliefs about the nature and existence of fairies and spirits.

In 1920, Doyle travelled to Australia and New Zealand on spiritualist missionary work, and over the next several years, until his death, he continued his mission, giving talks about his spiritualist conviction in Britain, Europe, and the United States.


We should be zealous to know Jesus and to make Him known. Today in prayer, thank Christ for the passion that He has for you and seek to be zealous only in knowing Christ deeper.


"Zeal without knowledge is fire without light." – Thomas Fuller


God's Word: "Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord." - Romans 12:11


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Let Your Joy Be Jesus
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
Devotional - Let Your Joy Be Jesus

"What has happened to all your joy? I can testify that, if you could have done so, you would have torn out your eyes and given them to me." - Galatians 4:15


Maurice Sendak was an American author and illustrator of children's books. He became most widely known for his book “Where the Wild Things Are”, first published in 1963. Born to Polish-Jewish parents, his childhood was affected by the death of many of his family members during the Holocaust.

When he was 12 years old, he decided to become an illustrator after watching Walt Disney's film “Fantasia”.

Because of his book “Where the Wild Things Are”, Sendak often received letters from his young fans. A favorite was a “charming” drawing sent on by a little boy’s mother. “I loved it,” Sendak said. “I drew a picture of a Wild Thing on a post card and sent it to him. His mother wrote back: ‘Jim loved your card so much he ate it.’ The little boy didn’t care that it was an original drawing. He saw it, he loved it, he ate it. That to me was one of the highest compliments I’ve ever received.”


Let Jesus be your joy. Today in prayer, praise the Lord with all of your heart and seek Him in all that you do.


"The opposite of joy is not sorrow. It is unbelief." – Leslie Weatherhead


God's Word: "If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete." - John 15:10-11


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - No Longer A Slave
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Monday Sep 16, 2024
Devotional - No Longer A Slave

"So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir." - Galatians 4:7


Elizabeth Cash Green was born on June 2, 1862 in Midland, Georgia. She was the last survivor of slavery in America. She died on February 20, 1975 at the age of 112 in DeKalb County, Arkansas.

She was born a slave three years before the end of the Civil War. In 1882, she moved to Arkansas.

Green’s life spanned a broad spectrum of American history including Slavery, Reconstruction, World War I and World War2, Korean War, Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement and Watergate.

During her lifetime, Green was married twice and had three children, King said. After moving to Helena, she joined the Beautiful Zion Missionary Baptist Church where she was active until her death, serving on the Mother’s Board for many years.

“She lived a very active life in the community and was respected by everyone. She was well over a hundred years old, still doing her own cooking and house cleaning,” Amos King, her great grandson said. “…She told me that there are two things I should never forget; never take anything that don’t belong to me and if the Lord is for you, then who can be against you?”


We were all once slaves to sin, but now freed by our Heavenly Father who has adopted us as His son. Today in prayer, praise the Lord that He has made you His child.


"Formerly slaves, Christians, are now both sons and heirs." – James Montgomery Boice


God's Word: "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will" - Ephesians 1:4-5


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Do Not Be Prejudice
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Sunday Sep 15, 2024
Devotional - Do Not Be Prejudice

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." - Galatians 3:28


In his book “Shake Free”, Pastor Samuel Rodriguez writes: “I’ll never forget sitting in the guidance counselor’s office my freshman year in high school in the Lehigh Valley area between Philadelphia and Allentown, where I grew up. The purpose of our meeting was to discuss my vocational direction and the courses I should and hoped to take the following semester. Since our school was located in a mostly working-class area, students were placed into one of two groups pretty quickly: either you were smart enough and your parents wealthy enough that you were headed to college and a professional career, or you were not smart enough or your family wealthy enough for college, so you got a basic education and learned a trade.

“So what do you want to do when you get out of school, Sam?” the guidance counselor asked. “What kind of job are you thinking about?” “Well,” I said nervously, “I’m really into computers and hoping to study computer engineering at one of the state universities.” “No, Sam, I’m not kidding,” she said, genuinely agitated. “Your kind doesn’t go to college. You can work either construction or landscaping or get some other kind of service job.” That hurt.

Even though I had good grades that put me at the top of my class and I tested high on all aptitude and intelligence tests, this woman’s prejudice sent gale-force winds over the dream of a shy fifteen-year-old. And the worst part about it was that she seemed totally oblivious to the devastating power of her words. I knew two things when I left her office that day.

First, whatever I did later in life, I was going to make sure it wasn’t one of the three options she’d mentioned. While there’s nothing wrong with any of these jobs and the hardworking people who do them, I desired a different path. Second, I decided to work harder than ever to graduate at the top of my class. So being salutatorian when graduation day came gave me deep satisfaction!”


We are all equal before Christ’s throne and are precious in His sight. Today in prayer, ask the Lord to expose any prejudice in your life, confess it as sin, and be as impartial as Jesus is in all of your relations.


“Jesus loves the little children, All the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, All are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.” - C. Herbert Woolston


God's Word: "Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all." - Colossians 3:11


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Grace Is Given
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Devotional - Grace Is Given

"For if the inheritance depends on the law, then it no longer depends on a promise; but God in his grace gave it to Abraham through a promise." - Galatians 3:18


In her book “Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life”, Tish Harrison writes: “It’s remarkable that when the Father declares at Jesus’ baptism, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased,” Jesus hasn’t yet done much of anything that many would find impressive. He hasn’t yet healed anyone or resisted Satan in the wilderness. He hasn’t yet been crucified or resurrected. It would make more sense if the Father’s proud announcement came after something grand and glorious—the triumphant moment after feeding a multitude or the big reveal after Lazarus is raised… Baptism is the first word of grace spoken over us by the church. In my tradition, Anglicanism, we baptize infants. Before they cognitively understand the story of Christ, before they can affirm a creed, before they can sit up, use the bathroom, or contribute significantly to the work of the church, grace is spoken over them and they are accepted as part of us. They are counted as God’s people before they have anything to show for themselves. When my daughters were baptized, we had a big celebration with cupcakes and champagne. Together with our community we sang “Jesus Loves Me” over the newly baptized. It was a proclamation: before you know it, before you doubt it, before you confess it, before you can sing it yourself, you are beloved by God, not by your effort but because of what Christ has done on your behalf. We are weak, but he is strong.”


God’s grace is His gift to us. Today in prayer, thank Jesus for His death on the Cross. Thank Him that He is with you and continually gives grace to you.


"No one is safe by his own strength, but he is safe by the grace and mercy of God." - Cyprian


God's Word: "For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." - John 1:17


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Saved For A Purpose
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Devotional - Saved For A Purpose

“He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.” – Galatians 3:14


Author Dustin Shramek, in his book “Taken from Suffering & The Sovereignty of God”, writes: “During the 1960s the Lord raised up an indigenous leader in the church in Mozambique named Martinho Campos. The story of his ministry, Life Out of Death in Mozambique, is a remarkable testimony to God’s strange ways of missionary blessing. Martinho was leading a series of meetings in the administrative area of Gurue sixty miles from his own area of Nauela.

The police arrested him and put him in jail without a trial. The police chief, a European, assumed that the gatherings were related to the emerging guerrilla group Frelimo. But even when the Catholic priest told him that these men were just “a gathering of heretics,” he took no concern for justice, though he wondered why the common people brought so much food to the prisoner, as though he were someone important.

One night he was driving his truck with half a dozen prisoners in it and saw “what appeared to be a man in gleaming white, standing in the road, facing him.” He swerved so sharply that the truck rolled over and he was trapped underneath. The prisoners themselves lifted the truck so that the police chief could get out. After brief treatment in the hospital he returned to talk to Martinho because he knew there was some connection between this vision and the prisoner.

He entered Martinho’s cell and asked for forgiveness. Martinho told him about his need for God’s forgiveness and how to have it. The police chief said humbly, “Please pray for me.” Immediately the chief called for hot water so that the prisoner might wash, took him out of solitary confinement, and saw to it that a fair trial was held.

Martinho was released. But the most remarkable thing was what followed: “Not only did the chief of police make plain his respect for what Martinho stood for, but he also granted him official permission to travel throughout the whole area under his jurisdiction in order to preach and hold evangelical services.” There would have been no way that such a permission would have been given through the ordinary channels. But God had a way through suffering. The imprisonment was for the advancement of the gospel.”


God has saved us for a purpose, to let others know about Jesus’ great love. Today in prayer, give thanks to Jesus that He saved you and seek to do His will.


“Jesus didn’t die on the cross so we could go on living any way we like. He made us for a purpose—and he redeemed us for a purpose, too. He wants us to fulfill that purpose.” – Rick Warren


God’s Word: “And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules.” – Ezekiel 36:26-27


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Not Above The Law
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Devotional - Not Above The Law

"All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law."" - Galatians 3:10


In November 2023, a former Los Angeles Police Department officer, who is also a registered sex offender, was arrested for human smuggling while in possession of a firearm. U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents pulled over Gariner Beasley, 62, a United States citizen. Beasley presented to police a badge “similar in appearance and style” to that of a Los Angeles Police Department officer when agents approached him.

In the back seat of the SUV were three adult women and one adult male, prompting agents to conduct an immigration inspection, according to the CBP. All four people in the vehicle told agents they had recently crossed the U.S./Mexico border unlawfully.

As they searched the SUV, agents discovered an unserialized 9 mm handgun, or “ghost gun,” as well as two fully loaded 9 mm magazines and a shoulder holster.

Beasley is facing charges of possession of a firearm by a felon, owning/possessing ammunition or a firearm when he is prohibited to and fraudulently impersonating a peace officer.

Beasley could be incarcerated for a maximum of seven years if convicted of these charges.


We all fall short of the letter of the law. Give thanks to Christ, who lived a perfect life, and gives us His grace. Today in prayer, thank God for the law that it points us to His love and grace.


"The utility of the law is, that it convinces man of his weakness, and compels him to apply for the medicine of grace, which is in Christ." - Augustine


God’s Word: “Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness." - Genesis 15:6


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Live By Faith
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Monday Sep 9, 2024
Devotional - Live By Faith

"Consider Abraham: ‘He believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.’" - Galatians 3:6


Author Pete Greig writes: “In my book Red Moon Rising, I described a time on the Mediterranean island of Ibiza when an Anglican priest asked a bunch of young missionaries sent out by our organization to pray for rain because the locals were suffering from serious drought. No one could possibly have been more surprised than me when, minutes after we prayed, the heavens opened and unseasonal storms began lashing the island.

When we learned that it hadn’t rained so heavily on Ibiza in July since 1976, the timing of our prayer meeting seemed even more remarkable. Somehow, a British journalist caught wind of the story and phoned for an interview. “So you’re the bloke,” he sneered down the line, “who’s claiming you made it rain in Ibiza?” “No,” I replied cautiously. “It would be ridiculous to think that we could make it rain. Wouldn’t it?” “Well, yeah,” he had to concur. “Look, we’re just saying that we prayed for it to rain, and then it did.

It’s you making a connection.” “I did?” “Yes, and I can tell you’re pretty dubious about the whole idea.” “Erm, well, it’s not exactly normal to—” “Look, maybe you’re right,” I said. “If you want to believe that there’s absolutely no connection between the fact that we prayed and then it rained, well, I can totally understand that. If you reckon there’s no power in prayer and human beings are merely a bunch of highly evolved animals trapped in a meaningless universe without recourse to any higher power, I respect your opinion and—”

“Nah, don’t get me wrong, mate.” The voice on the line sounded flustered. “I mean, there’s gotta be more to life. My mum’s a Catholic.” He paused as if this last statement explained everything, which in a way it did. “Yeah, fair play. You’re probably right. There’s power in prayer so why not? To be absolutely honest with you, I do it myself.” A number of people commented that the subsequent press coverage light-heartedly titled “God Squad Claims First Miracle on Ibiza” was surprisingly uncynical.”


No matter what your circumstance, live by faith in Jesus Christ. Today in prayer, give your concerns to Jesus and trust in Him.


“All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired.”– Martin Luther

God’s Word: “Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness." - Genesis 15:6


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Avoid Hypocrisy
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Sunday Sep 8, 2024
Devotional - Avoid Hypocrisy

"The other Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that by their hypocrisy even Barnabas was led astray." - Galatians 2:13


Enid Blyton was an English children's writer, whose books have been worldwide bestsellers since the 1930s, selling more than 600 million copies. Her books are still enormously popular and have been translated into ninety languages.

Blyton said she had a responsibility to provide her readers with a strong moral framework, so she encouraged them to support worthy causes.

However, she had a series of affairs, including lesbian relationships with one of the children's nannies

Blyton had two daughters, Gillian and Imogen, with her husband, Major Hugh Alexander Pollock. Long after childhood, Imogen wrote an autobiography called A Childhood at Green Hedges, which had a long account of all the abusive and neglectful things their mother did to them. Enid was often too wrapped up in her writing to take care of either of them, leaving them mostly to nannies. Their mother was also frequently cruel and would berate them for seemingly innocuous things.


Hypocrisy is a sin. Today in prayer, confess any sin of hypocrisy in your life and seek to have integrity in all that you do.


"Do not live one way in private, and another in public.” – Quintilian


God's Word: "Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind." - 1 Peter 2:1


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Remember The Poor
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Thursday Sep 5, 2024
Devotional - Remember The Poor

"All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do." - Galatians 2:10


John of Kronstadt was the Nineteenth Century Russian Orthodox priest. From 1855, he served as a priest in St. Andrew's cathedral in Kronstadt. Here, he wholly committed himself to charity, especially for those who were remote from the church. He established a factory to provide employment for the poor, and endlessly gave away his money to the needy.

During this time when alcohol abuse was rampant, none of the priests ventured out of their churches to help the people. They waited for people to come to them. John, compelled by love, went out into the streets. People said he would lift the hungover, foul-smelling people from the gutter, cradle them in his arms and say to them, “this is beneath your dignity. You were meant to house the fullness of God.”


We need to continually remember the poor and help provide for their basic needs. Today in prayer, ask Jesus how you can tangibly serve others this week.


"When we serve the poor and the sick, we serve Jesus. We must not fail to help our neighbors, because in them we serve Jesus." – Isabel Flores de Oliva


God's Word: "After an absence of several years, I came to Jerusalem to bring my people gifts for the poor and to present offerings." - Acts 24:17


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Follow The Lord's Call
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Wednesday Sep 4, 2024
Devotional - Follow The Lord's Call

"But when God, who set me apart from birth and called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not consult any man" - Galatians 1:15-16


In his book “Just Do Something” author Kevin DeYoung writes: “God calls His people to lots of different things. Sometimes you feel a sense of calling to your job and, you know what, sometimes you don’t. You just work. I’m extremely thankful that I love what I do for a living. I feel badly for people who only tolerate their jobs, or worse. But we must all serve the Lord with heart, soul, strength, and mind wherever He’s placed us. Unfortunately, we’ve turned the idea of calling or vocation on its head. The Reformers emphasized calling in order to break down the sacred-secular divide. They said, if you are working for the glory of God, you are doing the Lord’s work, no matter whether you’re a priest or a monk or a banker. But we’ve taken this notion of calling and turned it upside down, so instead of finding purpose in every kind of work, we are madly looking for the one job that will fulfill our purpose in life.”


The Lord calls each of us to follow Him and to do His will.  Today in prayer, thank Christ for calling you and be faithful in following the Lord’s will.


"The responsible person seeks to make his or her whole life a response to the question and call of God." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer


God's Word: "As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received." - Ephesians 4:1


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Man Made Religion
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Tuesday Sep 3, 2024
Devotional -  Man Made Religion

"I want you to know, brothers, that the gospel I preached is not something that man made up. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ." - Galatians 1:11-12


In 1968, Paul Erdmann, a former television salesman from California, moved to Seattle. The Love Family began in October 1968 as a communal household on Queen Anne Hill, Seattle, with their charter being written in 1971. Shortly after its founding, Erdmann renamed himself Love Israel; many of his followers adopted the "Israel" surname and biblical or virtue first names.

The group practiced meditation with the use of hallucinogenics and believed that life was eternal and all people were one. Because life was 'eternal', the group did not observe birthdays or perform marriages. They placed personal revelation above traditional doctrine. The group was committed to living in the present to the point that they avoided making appointments or incurring debt.

Additional prohibitions including smoking, owning clocks, mirrors, or watches, and reading books or magazines other than the Bible. The group did not use driver's licenses and was predominantly vegetarian.  

"Love Israel" is a play on one of the fundamental affirmations of the group, "Love is real". Equally important to the remaining members are three other commonly used affirmations: "We are one", "Love is the answer", and "Now is the time".


Man continues to make up his own false religions. Today in prayer, thank Jesus for revealing Himself to you through the Gospel.


"The true message of good news, that salvation from sin can be found in the sacrificial death of Christ through faith alone, is not a man made message. It is at once too simple and too magnificent for man's wisdom. It is a transcendent message, a message from beyond our mortal limitations. It is a message from God." - Guy Caley


God's Word: "But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them--bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute." - 2 Peter 2:1-2


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - Deserting The Faith
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Monday Sep 2, 2024
Devotional - Deserting The Faith

"I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel--which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ." – Galatians 1:6-7


In an article entitled “What Does a Faith Crisis Feel Like?”, author Jon Bloom discusses the steps of a faith crisis and its remedy is to run to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Jon summarizes his article by writing:

“So, as we seek to care for those in a faith crisis, we’re wise to remember that (1) the crisis is often the sudden explosion of doubts that have accumulated over time, (2) the crisis is often ignited by a catalyst event that may itself not be fueling their doubts, and (3) their most pressing initial need may not be our immediately addressing their doubts, but experiencing through us the sheltering mercy of Jesus, who extends this invitation to all strugglers: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).”


The road to loss of faith happens when we take our eyes off of Jesus. Today in prayer, pray for those who began in faith following Christ. Pray they may focus on Jesus and His redeeming work on the Cross.


"This would be the first step in apostasy; men first forget the true, and then adore the false." – Charles H. Spurgeon


God's Word: "For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." - 2 Timothy 4:3-4


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


Devotional - His Grace
Posted by Peter Kennedy on Sunday Sep 1, 2024
Devotional -  His Grace

"Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ" - Galatians 1:3


In his book “The Grace and Truth Paradox: Responding with Christlike Balance”, Christian author Randy Alcorn writes the following:

“Before I spoke at a conference, a soloist sang one of my favorite songs, “Amazing Grace.” It was beautiful. Until she got to the tenth word. “Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a soul like me!” My heart sank. The word wretch had been edited out! I thought about John Newton, the songwriter. This former slave trader, guilty of the vilest sins, knew he was a wretch. And that’s what made God’s grace so “amazing.” Mind-boggling. Knockdown awesome. If we’re nothing more than morally neutral “souls,” do you see what that does? It guts grace.”


It is by God’s grace that we are saved. And it is by His grace we face today and tomorrow. Today in prayer, praise Jesus for His grace and love towards you.


"Between here and heaven, every minute that the Christian lives will be a minute of grace." – Charles H. Spurgeon


God's Word: "And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus." - Ephesians 2:6-7


By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2024, Devotional E-Mail


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