“the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say” – Revelation 4:10
In September 2010, LifeWay Christian Resources Worship Director Mike Harland told pastors that it's not about better bands, advanced technology, newer copyright dates or newer models. Rather, it's about revealing the person of Jesus Christ and giving Him the adoration that is due.
"We don't want to gather trying to impress crowds with our technology, our innovation or creativity, but to passionately worship the God who saves," he said.
"God didn't call us to lead music or to perform worship services for the people's enjoyment," Harland said. "God called us to engage people in the experience of expressing their worship and praise to God."
A couple of years ago, a pastor of a church had contacted Harland asking for help as the worship at his church had grown cold. As a solution, the pastor wanted to start a contemporary worship service.
But when Harland visited the church, he found that the music style wasn't the issue. Rather, the people in the church just were not responding.
He told the pastor, "If your worship has grown cold, it's not because you selected the wrong music style or you're making some kind of technological misstep. If worship is a response to God's revelation and if your people are not worshipping then they're not seeing who He is."
The pastor soon realized that he had been preaching to the congregation about how to be better stewards, better parents, better citizens and so forth but he never told them who Jesus is.
"What do transformational churches do?" Harland posed to pastors at the conference. "They don't get a rock band, they don't get a projection system, they don't get a fog machine. They show people who Jesus is and then give people the opportunity to respond to Him in worship and adoration."
We need to look to Jesus and respond to Him in worship. Today in prayer, actively worship the Lord, adoring Him as Lord of all.
“We are saved to worship. All that Christ has done for us in the past and all that He is doing now leads to this one end.” – A.W. Tozer
God’s Word: “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker” – Psalm 95:6
By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2011, Devotional E-Mail